
How to Guide


Step by step, let’s learn the art of success! Stay tuned to our How-to-guide for
various subjects and you’ll not be disappointed, we’re sure

How to Guide Us

Introduction of Digital Marketing
In first module of Digital Marketing Training in Delhi, we will give you basic term information, differences of traditional marketing vs digital marketing, idea of search engine works, etc.

  • Basic of Online Marketing
  • Difference of Internet Marketing vs Traditional Marketing
  • Search Engine Basics
  • Key points of internet marketing
  • Basic terms use in internet marketing
  • Effective platforms for promotions
  • Why people moving in digital marketing?
  • How much business can you grab after using internet marketing techniques?
  • Structure of Online Marketing
  • Fundamentals of Google Algorithm
Website Creation and Introduction
In this module you will learn about wordpress, we teach you how to create your own website with the help of wordpress. We will help you to learn basic html structure. You will get an idea of static and dynamic website and webpages. Every student has different perspective according to their interest and demands, you will learn how to create ecommerce website, health website, corporate website etc.

  • Webpage and website
  • Basics of HTML
  • Other languages for website creation
  • Common tag
  • PHP Based Platform
  • WordPress
  • Difference between themes and plugins
  • Posts vs pages
  • Category vs tags
  • General Customization
Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization: Seo stands for search engine optimization. Search engine optimization is a process to optimize your webpage in high position in search engine like Google, Yahooo, Bing, etc.

  • What is Seo?
  • What is Search Engine?
  • How search engine works?
  • Objective of Seo
  • Types of seo
  • What is Onpage seo?
  • Domain optimization
  • Meta tags Optimization
  • Content Optimization
  • Image Optimization
  • Latent Semantic Indexing
  • Robots.txt
  • Sitemap.xml
  • Website Loading
  • Schema
  • Use of Internal Link vs External link
  • Types of Linking
  • How to Create a Anchor Tag?
  • Difference between Inbound and Outbound linking
  • Ways of Linking
  • Techniques of Seo
  • Process of Backlinks
  • Blog Commenting
  • Directory Submission
  • Article Submission
  • Forum Posting
  • Guest Posting
  • PDF Submission
  • RSS Submission
  • Image Submission
  • Classified Submission
  • Video Submission
  • Social Bookmarking
  • Reference Submission
  • Press Release Submission
  • Effective ways of Backlinks
  • Types of Link Juices
  • Difference between Domain Authority and Page Authority
  • Difference between Domain Rating and URL Rating
  • Majestic SEO
  • Ahrefs
  • Find out top authority content for backlinks
Search Engine Marketing
Search engine marketing is a process to get higher visibility in ads position through creating and bidding on ads by use of Google Adwords. Google adwords is a platform use to create ads in various networks like Search, Display, Video, Mobile, Shopping and Universal app. In search engine marketing, google adwords works on bid process and ad quality.

  • What is Google Adwords
  • What is Bing Ads
  • What is Campaign?
  • What is Adgroups?
  • Difference between Ads and Keywords?
  • How many types of ads?
  • Difference between dynamic search ads and dynamic keyword insertion?
  • Keyword Match Types
  • Broad Match Types
  • Phrase Match Types
  • Exact Match Types
  • Broad Modified Match Types
  • Ad Extension
  • Bid Adjustment
  • How to control fraud click on your ad
  • Bid Simulator
  • Advanced location options
Social Media Optimization
Social Media Optimization: SMO stands for Social Media Optimization. Smo is a process to increase your visibility through social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google plus, Stumbleupon, Pinterest, Linkedin, etc. without paying anything to these social networking sites. We teach you how to work on social media tools like FST, Buffer, Hootsuite etc. for bulk posting and sharing and auto scheduling.

  • What is Social Media?
  • Social Media Uses
  • Social Media Platforms
  • Benefits of social media
  • How to target right audience?
  • Social media tools
  • How to add large number of friends in single click
  • How to grow your Instagram fast?
  • How to use Pinterest?
Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing: SMM stands for Social Media Marketing. SMM is a process to promote your website, facebook pages through Facebook business and Twitter ads for gaining higher visibility and customers.

  • What is Social Media Marketing?
  • How many types of ads can we run on facebook?
  • How to use facebook for lead generation?
  • Can we use facebook for branding?
  • How to target right audience?
  • How to increase likes of facebook business page?
  • Run ad on Instagram
  • How to grow your Instagram fast?
  • How to run ad on Linkedin?
  • How to run ad on twitter?
  • How to increase engagement of tweets?
10 Certification
We well known for our quality training in market. There are one more new certifications added to your course, which has been released recently that is Google Mobile Sites Certification.

  • Google Adwords Fundamentals
  • Google Adwords Search
  • Google Adwords Display
  • Google Adwords Video
  • Google Adwords Shopping
  • Google Adwords Mobile
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Mobile Sites
  • 3 Big Industry Projects
  • SEEK Digital Academy Certificate
Email Marketing
Email Marketing: Email Marketing is a process to send bulk emails in a single click. You will learn how to use bulk email marketing softwares like Aweber, Mailchimp, etc. In this, you will know how to send each mail in inbox without paying anything.

  • What is Email Marketing?
  • How many types of Email Marketing?
  • How to use aweber?
  • Can we use Mailchimp for Email Marketing?
  • How to collect data for Email Marketing?
  • How to send bulk email with your own mail server?
  • Every post notifications on Email
  • Collects leads from Email
  • How to create newsletter for Email Marketing?
Content Marketing
Content Marketing: Content Marketing is a process to write potential content which can make sell through content. You can also earn from writing content from iwriter, freelancer, elance, payperpost, etc. In this, you will know about how to create effective content for any keyword and business.

  • What is Content Marketing?
  • How many types of Content Marketing?
  • What is iwriter?
  • Difference between Informative and Potential Content?
  • How to generate leads through potential content?
  • How to target potential customers through right content?
  • Find right keywords for content marketing
  • Effective content marketing strategy
Mobile Marketing
Mobile Marketing is a process to advertise your application in different different mobile devices to get maxiumum downloads and installs of your applications. In this, you will find out how to use Facebook and Twitter to get better results for your business.

  • What is Mobile Marketing?
  • How to promote apps through mobile marketing?
  • Mobile Marketing platforms?
  • How to increase downloads of mobile apps?
  • How to generate downloads through facebook?
  • How to target potential customers through facebook marketing?
  • How to make business from mobile marketing
  • Effective mobile marketing strategy
Mobile Web Marketing
Mobile Marketing is a process to advertise your application in different different mobile devices to get maxiumum downloads and installs of your applications. In this, you will find out how to use Facebook and Twitter to get better results for your business.

  • What is Mobile Marketing?
  • How to promote apps through mobile marketing?
  • Mobile Marketing platforms?
  • How to increase downloads of mobile apps?
  • How to generate downloads through facebook?
  • How to target potential customers through facebook marketing?
  • How to make business from mobile marketing
  • Effective mobile marketing strategy
Ecommerce Marketing
Ecommerce Marketing is our 10th module of internet marketing course. Ecommerce is a shopping website. Ecommerce Marketing is a process to increase your sales through seo, social media sites, email marketing, content marketing, etc.

  • What is Ecommerce Marketing?
  • Difference between Normal seo and Ecommerce website seo?
  • What is the role of reviews in ecommerce marketing?
  • How to increase ecommerce sales through facebook?
  • Ecommerce basic concepts?
  • How to promote large products in single click?
  • Effective strategy plan for Ecommerce website
Video Marketing
Video Marketing is a process to promote your video through Google Adwords, Facebook and Twitter.

  • What is Video Marketing?
  • Difference between Video Marketing Vs Video Optimization?
  • How to promote videos through Google Adwords?
  • What is CPV and CPM?
  • Video Marketing basic concepts
  • True View Ads vs Stream Ads
Lead Generation For Business
Lead Generation is a very important for any business. It helps you to start getting business leads in very short period of time with the help of social networking sites, email marketing, seo, etc.

  • What is Leads?
  • Difference between Leads Vs Sales?
  • How to generate leads through Search Engine Optimization?
  • How to generate leads through Facebook?
  • How to generate leads through twitter?
  • How to generate leads through Google Adwords?
  • What is Sales Funnel?
  • What is Sales Metrics?
  • Difference between Micro conversion and Macro conversion?
Google Webmaster Tool
Google Webmaster tool helps you to control your website or webpage in search engine like your crawling error, 404 pages, indexing, etc.

  • Use of Google Webmaster
  • What is Search Appearance in Google Webmaster tool?
  • What is Data Highlighter?
  • What is Rich snippets or Schema?
  • What is HTML Improvements?
  • What is AMP ( Accelerated Mobile Pages ) in GWM?
  • How to use AMP in HTML pages?
  • What is Search Analytics?
  • What is Queries in Google Webmaster tools?
  • What is Crawl Stats vs Crawl Error?
  • How to remove pages from Google Search results?
  • How to index pages in search engine through Google Webmaster?
  • How to Check Robots.txt?
  • How to remove bad backlinks from your website?
Google Analytics
Google Analytics tool helps you to analyse your website traffic.

  • Use of Google Analytics
  • How to attach Google Analytics with website?
  • How to check visitors in real time through Google Analytics?
  • Difference between Session vs Page view
  • How to check user behaviour from Google Analytics?
  • How to check user browser from which he is coming to your website?
  • How to check user coming from Organic, Social or direct?
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing is a process to start earning commission by selling some other's website products.

  • What is Affiliate Marketing?
  • Minimum eligibility for Affiliate Marketing
  • How can we start earning from Affiliate Marketing?
  • How to differentiate between potential keyword vs Normal keyword?
  • How to find low competitive keywords with high potential for Affiliate Marketing?
  • How to apply for Commission Junction and Vcommision?
  • Differentiate between CPA and CPL?
  • Easy steps to earn from Affiliate Marketing
Google Adsense
Google adsense is a platform use to get ads on your website or webpages. With the help of Google adsense, you can start earning from your website.

  • What is Google Adsense?
  • Difference between Google Adwords vs Google Analytics
  • How much minimum traffic i need for Google adsense approval?
  • Which sizes for Adsense is very effective?
  • Difference between Google Adsense vs Affiliate Marketing?
  • What is CPC?
  • Easy steps for Google Adsense
  • Top Digital Marketing Course in Delhi Case Studies
Video Optimization
Video Optimization is a process to get higher positions in youtube search results by working on video optimization steps. It is strategy to increase your youtube video views. In this video optimization, we will work on monetization of videos through which we can start making money from youtube videos.

  • Video Optimization Basics
  • How to increase your views on youtube?
  • How to monetize your youtube video?
  • How to rank videos in 24hr in youtube?
  • How to get more subscribers in youtube
  • How to get more views with low subscribers?
  • Social media impact on youtube video ranking
In this module you will learn blogging to start your own blog and to earn money online using google adsense.

  • Blogging Basic
  • How to Setup a Blog
  • How to Choose a Blog Topic
  • How to Write Capitative Blog Article
  • How to Make Money from Your Blog
  • Why and How You Should Network with Other Bloggers
  • Blogging Tools
  • Blog Monetization
  • Blog Seurity and Backup


  • brandmetrics
  • Digital Marketing
  • Altitude Marketing
  • Digital Marketing

Bhaag Milkha Bhaag

Tere Career Ka
Sawaal Hain

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